sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2008

The Creeping Cruds - The Incredibly Strange People Who Stopped Living And Became

MEET THE CREEPING CRUDS...The Cruds are five creepy bastards who are working on a very evil experiment in a cold, creepy laboratory on the seedy side of Nashville, TN. Now that our creepy plan has hatched, teenage Rawk zombies will turn against their parents. Good kids will go bad, bad kids will go even badder. Our faithful following will pen their allegience and sign it in their mammy's blood and send it to us with their daddy's wallet. In return, The Creeping Cruds will provide the mightiest Rock 'n Roll ever known to man. Three nasty chords and a cloud of dust that most certainly will topple the tallest buildings. The Incredibly Strange People Who Stopped Living And Became

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